
Four Acres Academy

Building relationships that enable children to learn, grow and achieve

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Four Acres Academy - a Futura Learning Partnership school

Year 5 (Owls and Hedgehogs)

Welcome to Year 5!


Year 5 consists of 2classes: Hedgehogs and Owls. Specific class information:



Class teacher: Miss Metters

TA: Mrs Walker

Entrance door: Main playground

Exit door: Zone Park side door

PE: Thursday afternoons



Class teacher:  Mr Harper

TA: Miss Scull 

Entrance door: Main playground

Exit door:  Zone Park side door

PE: Wednesday mornings




General Information 

Our curriculum consists of reading, writing and mathematics. Our foundation subjects are taught through 'Curriculum' with some foundation subjects such as Jigsaw, Spanish and RE taught discretely or by specialists. When learning we become mathematicians, authors, or other states of being and have high aspirations and expectations of ourselves within all areas of the curriculum


Term 6 


This term, our Curriculum focus is Bristol Traders and we will be learning about the Bristol slave trade in History. In Art, we will study the artist Chesley Bonestell and his techniques to help us achieve our end goal of completing our very own Sci-fi landscape.  


Our Jigsaw focus this term is Changing Me and there will be an SRE focus. 


As well as our curriculum, we also have our FAME end-of-year performances (11th and 13th July) and Sports Day (28th June) to look forward to. 




In year 5, we take responsibility for our own learning and understand the importance of reading to support our learning in all other areas. We ensure that our reading records are in school every day, and we are encouraged to read at home daily.


We love reading our class book and we enjoy our daily reading comprehension lessons




As athletes, we ensure that our PE kits (white top, black bottoms and black trainers/daps) are in school each Monday ready for the week.



Owls- term 4 and 5

Hedgehogs- term 5 and 6


Home learning 

A large part of our home learning is reading and we also take home spelling words to practise each week. We complete other home learning online, using Class Dojo and Times Tables Rock Stars. Our login details are on the inside cover of our reading records.


We keep all parents and children up to date using our Class Dojo pages.




