Sports Premium
The PE and sports premium is extra funding from the government, designed to help primary schools improve the quality of PE and sports activities they offer their pupils. It began in 2013 and consists of an annual grant received in two installments. The government has decided to double the grant once again this year.
Schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sports activities they offer their pupils, but they are free to choose the best way of using the money.
For example, we can use the funding to:
Four Acres Academy receives £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil. Each year we report on how we have spent the grant and what impact it has had. Some of the highlights from this year include:
“Another excellent year of competing across a variety of sports, winning the Bristol Together Championships and indoor basketball."
"Teachers received an additional year of CPD and enrichment coaching, exposing all pupils to good teaching of PE across the school."
“This year 59% of Four Acres children took part in extra-curricular sports, including 78% of KS2 pupils."
"All pupils from years 1-6 were offered the opportunity to take part in after-school sports clubs."
"41% of pupils represented the school in competitive sport and 65% of our Key Stage Two pupils"
In order to increase the number of pupils able to swim 25m before they leave school, year 5 and 6 classes will receive additional top-up swimming lessons.
Sports Premium Spending Overview
The PE statement (written by Mr Saunders), the PE curriculum for this academic year, the review of spending, and the projected plan of spending can all be found below.