Welcome to Year 4!
Year 4 consists of 2 classes: Otters and Woodpeckers
Class Teachers: Miss Smith
Teaching assistants: Miss Genge
PE: Monday
Class Teacher: Mr Xanh
Teaching assistant: Miss Silcocks
PE: Monday
General information:
Year 4 is made up of two classes, Otters and Woodpeckers. We ensure children build on their previous learning and are actively engaged in lessons. Our curriculum consists of reading, writing and mathematics in the morning. Our afternoons are made up of curriculum lessons; Jigsaw, RE, computing, science, history, geography, Spanish, DT and art.
When learning, we use the language ‘we are mathematicians’, ‘authors’ or other states of being and have high aspirations and expectations of ourselves. We enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum in year 4, with priority given to the understanding of age-related vocabulary.
In year 4 we take responsibility for our learning and understand the importance of reading to support our learning in all other areas. We ensure that our reading records are in school every day and we are encouraged to read at home daily.
Pupils will complete on online test at the end of year 4, linked solely to times tables. Learning our tables fluently will be a priority this year and we appreciate your support with practising these at home too.
As athletes we ensure that our PE kits (white top, black bottoms and black trainers/daps) are in school. They will be given home at the end of each term.
Home learning:
A large part of our home learning is reading and we also take home spelling words to practise each week. Times tables will be set on Times Tables Rockstars. Log in details can be found on the inside cover of your child’s Reading Record.
We keep all parents, carers and children up to date using our Class Dojo pages. Bromcom is our school paying app.