Welcome to Dragonfly Class
Dragonfly Class is our Pre-School Class for children aged 3-4 years. Children attend part time in Dragonfly 1 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Dragonfly 2 (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday). We also have children that attend all week for 30 hours (Dragonfly 3).
Staff that help us:
Dragonfly 1: Class Teacher - Mrs Filer
Support assistant - Mr Craven
Support assistant - Mrs Davies
Support assistant - Miss Vowles
Dragonfly 2: Class Teacher - Mrs Radford
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Press
Support Assistant - Mrs Davies
Support Assistant - Miss Vowles
Please make sure your child has a water bottle and rain jacket each day, and they have a spare set of clothes for their peg. A spare pairs of wellies can be left at school as we spend lots of time outside! Please label all items with the child's name (we have permanent markers if you would like us to do it). We work hard to teach the children to become more independent with putting on shoes and welly boots - please help us with this by encouraging your child to do this at home.
Please make sure you are signed up to Class Dojo for day to day updates about all out exciting activities, and information about your child's progress. If you have any questions or queries you can speak to us at drop off/pick up time or message us on Class Dojo.
Please check the parent's board at the door each day for up to date information.
Term 6:
This term our enquiry is 'What Can Move?' and we will be learning about animals, vehicles and ourselves! We will be learning the stories The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and We All Go Travelling By.
We will continue to spend lots of time outside so please check weather forecasts and ensure your child has a raincoat and/or is wearing long lasting suncream! A labelled hat can be brought in on sunny days. Lots of water play means a bag of spare clothes is vital this term!
During our small group times, we will be playing lots of games to continue develop our speaking, listening and communication skills, as well as focusing on the numbers 1 - 10, practising recognising and writing our names and beginning to think about letter sounds in our names and the environment. We also begin looking more closely at the sounds in our names, books and the environment. Our preparation for moving to Reception continues this term with regular stories and visits from the Reception teachers, and short trips around the school and to the Reception classrooms.