Welcome to Four Acres Academy, part of the Futura Learning Partnership's family of schools. I’m very proud of our Academy, the children, the staff, volunteers and wider community that make this school so successful. In the Academy we have high expectations and we work together to provide a stimulating environment where everyone can learn and achieve. Through the best teaching and support we create opportunities for each child to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities. These opportunities include recognising that children have different styles of learning, providing active learning experiences in our extensive outdoor environment and through trips and visits, offering extra-curricular activities before and after school. We nurture good working relationships with children, parents, carers and wider families. We value our staff team and support them to reach their professional goals.
Vision for the Future
Our vision is for Four Acres to build relationships that enable children to learn, grow and achieve. We take pride in nurturing children’s confidence, politeness and sense of community.
This website aims to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information for parents, carers, children and all of our stakeholders. We invite you to explore it to find out more about the provision for pre-school, nursery and primary age children and our family support work. Of course, nothing can give a better impression of the school than visiting us – please contact the office if you would like to learn more.
Matthew Cave
Head Teacher