Welcome to Year 2 and our classes Kingfishers and Rabbits
Class Teacher: Miss Dawson
Teaching Assistant: Miss Morgan
1:1 Support Assistant: Miss McInenrey
Class Teacher: Miss Thomas-Carter
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sealy
What to bring:
Bookbag including reading book and reading record
Water bottle
P.E. kit
School Jumper
General Information
Year 2 is made up of two classes, Kingfishers and Rabbits. We continue to foster a love of learning through a range of different activities and approaches. We have a whole class approach to teaching, with a strong emphasis on working with a partner. Our curriculum consists of reading, writing and mathematics and our foundation subjects are taught in line with The Futura Curriculum, some foundation subjects such as Jigsaw (PSHE), RE, Computing, PE and Music are taught discretely or by specialists. When learning, we are mathematicians, authors or other states of being and have high aspirations and expectations of ourselves. We enjoy being creative and imaginative in Year 2.
In Year 2 reading continues to be a priority to support all areas of our learning. Reading is taught in line with the Read Write Inc scheme. We need to bring our book bags (with our reading records) every day. We expect children to read at home 5 times a week and all children will read with an adult in school at least once a week.
As athletes we ensure that our PE kits (white top, black bottoms and black trainers/daps) are in school each Monday ready for the week.
PE Lessons are taught on Wednesday for Rabbits Class & Monday for Kingfishers
Home learning
Homework is set at the beginning of each term. Paper copies are given as well as a PDF on Class Dojo.
These can be completed across the term and can be handed in as paper copies or posted as pictures on Class Dojo.
Break and Lunchtimes
All children across the school will be enjoying active playtimes. To best support your child, please ensure they bring a hat in and wear sun cream in when it is needed.