
Four Acres Academy

Building relationships that enable children to learn, grow and achieve

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Four Acres Academy - a Futura Learning Partnership school

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium


The pupil premium grant was introduced by the Department for Education in April 2011. It is extra funding allocated to schools to work with school-age pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years.


It is intended to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

This additional funding is used in different ways to help pupils who are eligible for the premium to progress and achieve. We look at how other schools have used their funding and read advice about what might be most effective.


Every year we report on how the premium has been used, what impact it has had and how we are using it in the current year.   We keep track of the progress and achievement of pupils who are allocated extra funding.  This tells us how effectively we have used the pupil premium.   We compare the results for these children with our non-premium pupils.  We also compare how we have done with the results in other schools.


The total amount allocated to the school for the financial year 2023 to 2024 (including Recovery Premium) is £340,260

Expenditure on Pupil Premium  


Expenditure on Pupil Premium has been allocated based on analysis of the effectiveness of how the funding was used in previous years. Some provisions have been replicated and others adapted to better suit the pupils’ needs. Many of the families of pupils who attend Four Acres who are not eligible for pupil premium funding are on low incomes in comparison to the national average, therefore, some provisions have match funding from the Academy budget to enable all pupils to have access. 


Breakfast Club (subsidised)


Breakfast club is subsidised and is used to encourage good attendance or improve lateness.  Many of our pupils access this provision from Reception to Y6. Pupils are given breakfast and have activities supervised by adults to encourage a positive start to the day.  It means that the children have also had a good meal to start the day which helps them to concentrate and learn better.


Family Liaison


The Family Liaison role is linked to supporting families in need. She supports pupils who attend breakfast club ensuring a positive start to the day. She deals with attendance and child protection issues across the Academy and Children’s Centre which includes home visits.


Behaviour Support 


The Academy’s learning mentor role involves welcoming pupils at the beginning of the day, targeting support where necessary to encourage a ‘ready to learn and play’ attitude across the school. They work with pupils who have social and emotional difficulties across the school. They checks in several times a day with children who are in “crisis” or who are struggling to be in class. They supports these pupils in class and complete preventative work with individuals and peer groups.




Swimming takes place in Key-stage 2 and the pool hire, instructor and transport costs for everyone are subsidised through pupil premium.


Draw and Talk therapy


Many children need support in emotional literacy.  Others have behaviour or mental health problems at some stage that prevents them from fulfilling their full potential. Draw and Talk is a type of therapy that helps children to express themselves, explore their thoughts and feelings, and make sense of their life experiences. At Four Acres, our staff have training to provide Draw and Talk therapy. They work with families and teachers to provide individual support for targeted children who have been identified. The therapy is tailored to the individual needs of each child and has been proven to make a positive change to their capacity to learn and play.


Assistant Head Teacher


The Deputy-Head teacher focuses on the teaching and learning capacity of the academy. Her role involves monitoring and supporting the teaching and learning through in-class support, team teaching, coaching, planning and reviewing. She is also responsible for identifying and tracking groups of pupils across the Academy, conducting pupil progress meetings and ensuring that good quality progress is happening for all.


Teaching Assistant Support


Our teaching assistants work with small groups and individuals to boost learning and narrow the gaps in attainment across the whole school. Targeted support is directed by teachers and may include group or 1-1 intervention to narrow the gap or challenge groups for higher achieving pupils. TA support is overseen by the Headteacher, Deputy Head and SENCO.


How we will measure the impact of the funding


We use both internal and external data to measure the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant on our pupils’ learning. We will review the effectiveness of the interventions we are using and adapt them to meet need when and where required.
