
Four Acres Academy

Building relationships that enable children to learn, grow and achieve

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Four Acres Academy - a Futura Learning Partnership school

Year 6 (Falcons and Badgers)

Welcome to Badgers and Falcons!



Class Teacher: Mr Saunders and Miss Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Beach and Miss Trickey



Class Teacher: Mr Livingstone
Teaching Assistant: Miss Newman

General Information 

We are two Year 6 classes. Our curriculum consists of reading, writing and mathematics and our foundation subjects are taught through our Futura Curriculum with some foundation subjects such as Jigsaw, Spanish, PE and RE taught discretely or by specialists. When learning, we are mathematicians, authors or other states of being and have high aspirations and expectations of ourselves. 



In Badgers and Falcons we take responsibility for our learning and understand the importance of reading to support our learning in all other areas. We ensure that our reading records are in school every day, we read daily and that our records are signed at least 3 times each week. 



As athletes, we ensure that our PE kits (white top, black bottoms and black trainers/daps) are in school each Monday ready for the week. Our PE days are:


Falcons- Monday

Badgers- Tuesday



Badgers will be swimming each Tuesday from 12th September- 21st November.

 Falcons will be swimming from 28th November- 27th February. 


Each class will have 10 weeks of swimming teaching. We bring in our swimming kit (towel and swimming costume or trunks) each week on our designated swimming day.



A large part of our homework is reading. We complete other home learning online, using Class Dojo and Times Tables Rock Stars. Our log in details are on the inside cover of our reading records. Later on in the year we will bring home packs to practise "exam style" questions, develop our independence and prepare us for secondary school. 


Important Dates 


Our SATs tests will take place between Monday 13th May and Thursday 16th May 2023.

