
Four Acres Academy

Building relationships that enable children to learn, grow and achieve

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Four Acres Academy - a Futura Learning Partnership school

Routine information for parents

What will my child need to bring to school each day?

  • A named water bottle
  • A coat (in the winter)
  • A sunhat (in the summer)
  • Lunch box if having a packed lunch


What will my child need to be kept at school?

  • Named spare clothes
  • Named wellies 
  • Named PE kit



We will be having weekly PE sessions which will be every Thursday morning. For these sessions the children will need a PE kit consisting of: a white t-shirt and black shorts or jogging bottoms. The children also need a pair of trainers or plimsolls.


How can I find out what my child is learning?

We use "Class dojo" which is a free app that you can download onto your phone or tablet. Each week you will receive a message to outline what your child is learning that week. There is also an option to message your child's teacher.




