Class Teacher: Mrs Holden and Miss Scott
Teaching Assistant: Miss Haddow (maternity leave) and Miss McInerney (Miss M) 1 to 1
Class Teacher: Mrs Hutchings
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Walker
What to bring daily:
Bookbag including reading book and reading record
Water bottle
P.E. kit
School Jumper
Wellies and a Raincoat - with the weather getting worse we want children to still be able to make use of all of our play spaces !
General Information
Year 3 is made up of two classes, Foxes and Squirrels. We continue to foster a love of learning through a range of different activities and approaches. We have a whole class approach to teaching, with a strong emphasis on working with a partner. Our curriculum consists of reading, writing and mathematics and our foundation subjects are taught following the Futura Trust Curriculum with some foundation subjects such as PSHE/Jigsaw, Spanish and RE taught discretely or by specialists. We keep all parents, carers and children up to date using our Class Dojo pages.
In Year 3 reading continues to be really important to support all areas of our learning. We need to bring our book bags (with our reading records) every day. We expect children to read at home 5x a week and all children will read with an adult in school at least once a week. We may invite your child to attend a reading club to further support them. Please speak to a member of staff if you would like more information.
This term our class book will be Jack and the Beanstalk by Richard Walker.
This term will be writing both fiction and non-fiction using the Talk 4 Writing cycle of planning.
Here is some info on Talk 4 Writing: What is Talk for Writing? - Talk for Writing (
We follow the White Rose Planning scheme for maths.
In Maths this term will will focusing on the following:
Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers
Subtracting a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number
Number bonds to 100
Inverse operations (50+30=80, 80-30=50)
Using arrays (2x5=10, 5x2=10)
Multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Multiply and divide by 3
Multiply and divide by 4
Multiply and divide by 8
Key Stage 2 Maths - Topmarks Search
In science this term we will be learning about skeletons, muscles and food webs.
In History we are learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
We are learning about Andy Warhol and using stencils to print.
We will look at a wide range of music styles and songs throughout the year.
Jigsaw is our PHSE program where we are philosophers!
Our focus religion this term will be Christianity. Throughout the year will study Judaism and Hinduism
Hola ! In Spanish this term we will be learning how to greet each other.
As athletes we ensure that our PE kits (white top, black bottoms and black trainers/daps) are in school ready for our PE day. Squirrels and Foxes do PE on Thursday. We also have specialist PE teaching from Swift Academy twice a term - we will notify you of when these will be.
Home learning
Home learning will consist of reading and spellings that are individual to your child. Spellings should be practised at home and will be updated when your child is ready for a new set. Any additional work will be posted on Class Dojo. Our Times Tables Rockstars logins are on the inside of our reading records.
Break and Lunchtimes
All children across the school will be enjoying active playtimes. To best support your child, please ensure you send your child to school with uniform that is appropriate for the weather (e.g. coat, gloves, hat for the winter terms and a sun hat, sun cream, shorts for the summer terms). Children are allowed a snack for playtime. This should be as healthy as possible, and put in to the child's drawer when they come to school.